Calorie Calculator
The Calorie Calculator can be used to estimate the number of calories a person needs to consume each day.
Maintain Weight: kcal/day
Lose Weight: kcal/day
Gain Weight: kcal/day
- Maintain Weight:
- Displays the daily calorie intake required to maintain the current weight.
- Lose Weight:
- Displays the daily calorie intake required to lose weight (500 kcal deficit from maintenance).
- Gain Weight:
- Displays the daily calorie intake required to gain weight (500 kcal surplus from maintenance).
How It Works:
- The user inputs their age, gender, height (in feet or centimeters), weight, and activity level.
- The calculator computes the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and adjusts it based on the activity level to determine maintenance calories.
- It then calculates the calories needed for weight loss (maintenance – 500 kcal) and weight gain (maintenance + 500 kcal).
Example Output:
- Maintain Weight: 2200 kcal/day
- Lose Weight: 1700 kcal/day
- Gain Weight: 2700 kcal/day
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